Shakti Dance

Shakti dance is a yoga of dance and is based on Kundalini Yoga. It was created and developed by Sara Avtar Olivier and Yogi Bhajan. Shakti Dance shares with Kundalini Yoga the common goal to expand awareness to develop and manifest our soul potential (Kundalini Shakti) in our daily life.

As in Kundalini Yoga, one works with the systems of the three gunas, five elements and eight chakras, as well as with the meridians and nadis, – the energy channels and – the pranic body.

Thus, the definition of a yogi or yogini is everyone who can control the three gunas, five elements and eight chakras at all times and restore perfect harmony.

The procedure of the Shakti Dance follows a systematic process. The mind is focused by reciting the mantra and brought into harmony with the divine spirit, the energy bodies are purified and awakened through yoga practice in order to finally gain access to the essence of Shakti through free dance and to be able to enjoy it. In the end we connect the individual Energy with the Energy of the whole Group and come to a good conclusion through meditation and mantra.

Eight successive phases mark the way:

1. Mantra:

Body and mind are attuned to soul energy, for that on uses mantra in order to connect the subtle wisdom of the soul and thus open a meditative protective space. (Connection and activation of Shiva consciousness – male principle)

2. Flowing Asanas – Shakti – Stretches:

Stretching exercises, gentle and centered floor exercises to open the energy body, to release tension and to increase flexibility.

3. Standing exercises:

Energizing, standing exercises and repetitive steps are applied to open the energy body and the chakras with the breath-coordinated movement. In addition, you learn which steps and breathing activates which element and how you can compensate for them. This phase charges the vitality.

4. Free dance:

In free dance, when the prana energy flows freely, can the inherent wisdom of the soul, the inspiration of Shakti, unfold. In the resting mind (Shiva) Shakti finds its free expression.

5. Shavasana:

Relaxation – coming back to yourself, letting go, dropping in its inner. The moving water comes to rest, and you return to silence and to yourself. Symbolic death – shows us how we can be reborn through surrender and letting go.

6. Heavenly communication:

Either it continues with a mantra or with a mantric choreography. In mantric choreography, the individual energy is aligned with the energy of the group to create a common field. Repeating sequences are performed to mantra music in geometrical group alignment.

7. Silence:

Mediation praxis – Bath in the inner well.

8. Tuning through a mantra to create a protective aura field.

If you want to bring your spirit, soul and body into balance, your male and female parts in balance and harmony, then I would love to invite you to explore a Shakti Dance on yourself and to become more and more a silent observer of the sacred expression.

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